Learn fact families easier by using the following best selections of free and printable fact family triangle worksheets that you can print for your children.
All the triangles worksheets are available in the following images in best quality!
When 3 numbers are related, a fact family is built. Just like how people in a family are related, these 3 numbers make a set of related Math facts. Using these fact family triangle worksheets will ease children in understanding the concept of fact family. The three numbers can be divided or multiplied together. Three fact families can be situated in many different ways using addition and subtraction.
By working on the exercises in the worksheets, your children can learn to determine the relationship between the numbers in a fact family. Eventually they will master the relationship of each number perfectly. Get the other kinds of fact triangles worksheets can be seen on the in the following images.
Help your kids in understanding fact families by using these fact triangles worksheets! Just click on the image to save it! Find other resources for your fact family study materials by browsing through our fact family tagged posts!